Friday, November 14, 2008

Australian man surfing in distress, the whale's tail was hit

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported that the 42-year-old New South Wales, Australia School professor David Sheridan in the water for kite surfing, a huge whale suddenly appeared at his side underwater, and was installed in the Kite on the camera.
It is said that in this photo was taken of a few seconds, the whale tail swing, heavily hit in the back of the head of David on. Because the camera is set to shoot once every 10 seconds, so whales a scene of the attack on David was not photographed. However, this huge animal swimming in the slide below the alarming picture close enough to witness his thrilling moments of the whale.
David said: "It all happened so fast, the whale in the following from my travel out of date, only I can do squat. I see this guy's first reaction was quickly squat, at the time, with a kite above the line Attached. Then I felt it swept to the tail, I just play in the back of the head on. Very powerful, to be honest I thought I could not escape unscathed, however, only the next whale began to relax. I also took the opportunity slip away A. My legs trembling, I have never had this experience, probably would not have a future. "
David said that afternoon, he and two friends in the New South Wales beach on the north shore of Port Vila to play kite surfing. I hope some of the shooting because of their unique photo, flying him to install a fan on camera, a kite surfing beach area is an interesting exercise is to inflatable kite with a surfboard over the water combined with the movement. David said: "The camera is set to start shooting from the surf, every 10 seconds a shot. Fan when all the cameras up in the top of the water 25 meters. Very fortunate to get the whales swim up the following from my photos. If you can get one second after its tail swept to play in my photo on the back of the head on the better, although painful, but that is what you want to photograph. "
He said he believed that the whale is he trying to scare away rather than attack. He said: "It is more like the tail of a push, not hit." Wildlife experts believe that this is a Southern right whale (right whale), from the name of the ancient hunters who think this is an "appropriate "The hunting of whales, as they size, slow swimming, floating in the water after death. They have a large number of oil and bones. Australia's national parks and wildlife management Jiefuluosi said: "The humpback whale and compared to the south of the southern right whale is more unpredictable. This may be a whale in order to protect their baby, or just on the surface of the water fluctuations A response. "
他称,他相信鲸鱼只是想把他吓走,而不是猛烈攻击。他说:“它更像是用尾巴一推,而不是猛击。”野生动物专家认为这是一只南露脊鲸(right whale),名字来自古代猎人,他们认为这是一种“合适”打猎的鲸鱼,因为它们体型较大,游动缓慢,死后漂浮在水面上。它们还有大量油和骨头。澳大利亚国家公园及野生动植物管理处的杰夫·罗斯说:“与座头鲸相比,南露脊鲸更不可预知。可能这只鲸鱼是为了保护自己的幼仔,或者只是对水面波动的一种反应。”